Weatherford Independent School District
Roles & Responsibilities with Technology
School Board
Adopts policies regarding technology and collaborates with the Superintendent to design infrastructure of the district to support technology needs.
Directs the implementation of adopted technology policies. Reviews budget allocated for technology resources. Reviews the technology needs presented by each campus and the Chief Technology Officer
Deputy Superintendant
Works with Director of Curriculum & Instruction and Chief Technology Officer to investigate new technology that will enhance student learning. Evaluates implementation of technology. Reports to the Superintendant on all data supporting and measuring technology usage.
Chief Technology Officer
Maintains and monitors all parts of the Infrastructure for Technology. Collects all STaR Chart data and reports the information to all campus principals and Superintendants. Maintains records of all hardware in the district and makes sure that site licenses are current. Keeps his own professional development with technology up to date so that our district is implementing the most current and efficient technology possible.
Director of Technology, Instructional Support
Designs professional development for district personnel and teachers for the implementation of technology. Surveys the staff on the support needs for technology.
Network Manager
Reviews and maintains system updates and accessibility for all faculty and staff. Repairs networking problems with technology. Oversees the installation of technology.
Assistant Network Manager
Assists network manager with network problems. Helps review all licenses for hardware and works with the re-order of parts for technology.
Help Desk Technician
Provides immediate assistance to teachers and staff with technology problems. Orchestrates all technicians work orders for both computer and telephone repair. Acts as a liason between staff and technicians.
Computer Repair Technicians
Maintains and repairs all hardware (laptops, computerlabs, and desktops). Responsible for downloading all new software and programs to the computers. Assists teachers in minor computer repairs and instruction.
Telephone System Technicians
Maintains and repairs all telephones within the district. Leads professional development on the phone system to properly train teachers and district employees on usage. Stays current on the latest phone systems that can be purchased for the district.
Principals & Campus Administrators
Responsible for making sure technology TEKS are being integrated in the classroom. Creates and revises budget to allocate money for the implementation of technology. Acts as a liason between the campus and the Chief Technology Officer and Director of Curriculum and Instruction on technology needs, including support. Models the usage of technology in their own daily work. Provides time and resources to support professional development. Utilizes technology to make data driven decisions for the campus through several data sources.
Campus Technology Support Staff (Teacher Technician, Librarians)
Keeps accurate logs of all technology on the campus. Assists teachers with the use of technology for instructional purposes. Trains students on proper ways to do research using technology. The teacher technician provides support to other staff members on the campus by troubleshooting their problems. They assist with the online gradebook and other technology initiatives on campus. Both sets of support staff are on the committee to evaluate and review technology usage and needs for the district.
Campus Teachers
Integrates technology into instructional time in the classroom while covering all Technology TEKS. Demonstrates profiency with technology in the classroom from professional development opportunities. Searches for new technology to be used in the classroom and reports it to the Technology Support Staff. Ensures students are safely using technology in their classrooms. Complete the STaR chart annually to provide district with data on the implementation of technology.
Responsible for following the Acceptable Use Policy for the district/campus. Demonstrates appropriate use of technology while enhancing academic performance.
Demonstrates appropriate use of technology. Protects students from the dangers of technology while at home. Review the district’s AUP for technology with their student. Provide feedback to district on new ideas for technology.
The following is an action plan that supports the goals and objectives for Weatherford ISD. I have tailored professional development to meet the needs of these goals and objectives and meet the needs revealed in our current data.
Goal 1: Promote the integration of technology throughout the curriculum.
o Objectives:
100% of WISD teachers will integrate technology into instruction to improve student learning and meet the needs of individual learning styles.
· Action Steps:
1. Teachers and staff will analyze both STaR chart data and teacher/student surveys to discover the need for technology on campus.
2. Teachers will review the needs of student learning styles through our data system AWARE.
3. Professional development will be provided to give teachers hands-on training with the implementation of technology.
4. Promethean training and responder training will be provided each year.
5. TI-Inspire training will be provided for all Mathematics teachers so that they will integrate their usage in the classroom.
6. Training will be provided for ethical and practical use of the Internet and Web 2.0 tools for all teachers and students.
100% of WISD teachers and students will have access to and use of integrated technological curriculum resources.
· Action Steps:
1. Curriculum and Instruction will facilitate curriculum writing with the integration of technology.
2. All students will be evaluated on their technology knowledge and skills by the 8th grade.
3. Utilize campus computer labs for instruction.
100% of WISD teachers and students will have classroom access to modern multimedia technologies to improve student achievement and teacher effectiveness.
· Action Steps:
1. Develop and maintain a “standard classroom technology configuration” to guarantee equal access to technologies for all students.
2. Training will be provided to teachers to utilize Infinite Campus software and the email system.
3. Integrate email into the campus for all secondary students.
4. Utilize mobile laptop carts in all classrooms when needed.
5. Increase band-width so that computers will run more efficiently.
6. Create more wireless capabilities throughout the building.
§ 100% of WISD campuses will have the ability to positively impact parental involvement/communications and adult literacy through the use of technology.
· Action Steps:
1. Teachers will keep Infinite Campus updated so that parents can review the Parent Portal to see their student’s grades.
2. Community Programs will offer instruction on technology and review parental safeguards over cyber bullying and internet safety for students
3. Professional Development on the electronic calling system will be provided for teachers to communicate with parents as a large group.
Goal 2: Provide opportunities for faculty and staff to develop and maintain technology skills.
WISD will provide research-based, ongoing and sustained professional development for 100% of teachers, principals, administrators, and school library media personnel to further the effective use of technology in the classroom and the library media center.
Action Steps:
1. Professional development will address Marzano’s Instructional Strategies and the integration of technology.
2. Promethean responder training will be used to assist teachers in the implementation of data collection with responder data.
WISD will develop a system of Technology Professional Development to ensure that 100% of professional staff meet or exceed SBEC standards for technology literacy and the effective integration of technology into all areas of instruction.
Action Steps:
1. Create skill proficiencies for technology knowledge and skills for all teachers, staff, and administrators
2. Review of STaR chart data will play a key role in identifying strengths and weaknesses of teachers and other staff members.
3. Mini-10 Laptop training (6hrs.) will be provided to all teachers who wish to participate in the program. Teachers will receive laptop to use for school purposes.
Goal 3: Provide a safe and secure network environment.
WISD will enforce a CIPA compliant policy of Internet safety that includes measures to block or filter content for both minors and adults.
Action Steps:
1. Provide internet security tailored to specific grade level needs.
2. Internet activity will be filtered for content, logged by user logon, and monitored real-time for violations of the WISD AUP.
3. The AUP will be reviewed and updated annually with the help of all stakeholders.
4. Professional Development will be held for all teachers through the library for the appropriate usage for research
5. “Safe” research websites will be provided to teachers as well.
Goal 4: Maintain an effective and reliable infrastructure for network telecommunications and learning.
The Technology Department, Curriculum & Instructional Department, and the Technology Advisory Committee will work together, using ongoing planning as a tool for the improvement in educational technology and academic achievement.
Action Steps:
1. The “WISD Long-Range Technology Plan” will be revised annually to support academic achievement.
2. Professional development will allow teachers to review this plan and evaluate the plan on an ongoing basis.
3. We will utilize a “Student Technology Advisory Council” to aid in the planning process of technology to the campus.
§ 100% of WISD campuses will have “Advanced Tech Level” technical support as defined by STaR Chart standards.
1. Tech support will be monitored, including the “Online Work Order System”
2. Surveys will be provided to teachers to evaluate tech support.
§ 100% of WISD campuses and departments will use student management technology and other resources/tools to improve efficiency and effectiveness.
1. Training will be available on Student Management System and all Online Resources
2. Infinite Campus (electronic gradebook) training will be provided to all teachers.
3. Professional development training on the online lesson planner (Forethought) and the AWARE system will be providing. Focus will be made on gathering data on sub-populations.
4. Teachers will review AEIS data to see the needs of students in the classroom campus-wide.
5. Development of Web Resources and Online Forms, moving towards a paperless or reduced paper environment.
The STaR Chart shows that Educator Preparation and Development is my campus’ greatest weakness. This means that most teachers have completed professional development on the integration of technology specific to their content area. They have also increased productivity to accomplish a variety of instructional and management tasks. We provide large group professional development sessions to help teachers integrate technology. Most teachers on campus demonstrate two to three of the SBEC Technology Application Standards. Our campus offers 9-18 hours of technology professional development per school year for teachers. Most teachers have participated in professional development via online courses or content for their subject area. Lastly, most teachers adapt technology knowledge and skills for content area instruction.
We are using proven strategies that facilitate higher order thinking skills and collaboration with experts, peers, and parents. I believe our on-line grade book and Promethean Boards have allowed this. We are not using observation/assessments in other teachers’ classrooms; therefore, we belong in developing tech for Models for Professional Development. I believe this year we are getting more hours of technology professional development during the school year and that we will be Advanced Tech on that next year. We already use technology as a tool in our classrooms and across content areas to enhance higher order thinking skills. Moreover, we are beginning to undergo online teaching with several of our teachers.
Sample Professional Development Activity (Inter-departmental Planning Block 90 minutes):
Teachers will complete a consensogram over technology usage.
To recognize the teachers usage and confidence with technology in the classroom
Teachers will place sticky dots on questions describing technology usage.
1. Have sticky dots at each groups table.
2. Teaches will walk around the room placing dots where they feel comfortable with each question.
5 minutes
Review Campus Improvement Plan and District Technology goals
Teachers will have the opportunity to see where the integration of technology fits into our CIP and how it aligns to our technology goals
Brief whole group overview with highlighting of technology components of plan.
1. Facilitator will outline CIP pointing out technology components.
2. Teachers will be provided with sticky notes to address concerns involving the CIP
15 minutes
Analysis of Texas STaR Chart Data
Teachers can identify where our campus stands with technology and see the areas for improvement.
Each group will analyze one of the four components of the STaR chart making note of our strengths, weaknesses, and improvements over the years.
1. Teachers will be formed into groups.
2. Each teacher will be given STaR chart data and chart paper.
3. Teachers will identify strengths and weaknesses
4. We will share out information
25 minutes
Rest time and free conversation.
1. Teachers may get snack and use the restrooms
10 minutes
Analysis of AEIS data integrated with STaR Chart Data
Teachers will learn what needs we have on our campus and how we can implement technology to address those needs.
Teachers will form new groups and be given a sub-population to look at the data. They will look for needs of each population and how technology can address those needs.
2. New groups are formed
3. AEIS data is given to each group
4. Teachers will correlate sub-pop needs to what technology can provide and share out.
5. Principal will also review attendance, drop-out rate vs. student engagement through technology
20 minutes
Introduce Project Tomorrow and the Speak Up Surveys
Teachers will have an opportunity to review this information and began to look for applications for our campus
Teachers will use mobile laptops to go to
We will look at the website briefly
1. Teachers will type in the website.
2. Review the website
3. Discuss in their groups the applications to our campus.
10 minutes
Teachers will complete a consensogram over technology usage to follow-up professional development
To recognize the teachers usage and confidence with technology in the classroom
Teachers will place sticky dots on questions describing technology usage.
3. Have sticky dots at each groups table.
4. Teaches will walk around the room placing dots where they feel comfortable with each question.
5 minutes
The technology plan will be evaluated at different times throughout the year. Below is a chart organizing the measurement system used to evaluate Weatherford’s technology plan. All data and results will be presented to the Board of Trustees and Superintendent in monthly business meetings.
Six Weeks Data accumulated for the CIP including:
Attendance Rate
Failure Rate
Technology will increase the engagement level of our students in the classroom. It will also give teachers immediate feedback on student performance, therefore instruction will be better geared toward student needs. We will evaluate these key measures in the CIP plan to help monitor our success with technology.
Continuous Data Improvement Sheet, Principal
Each Six Weeks
Walk-Through Data
As administrators do a walk-through in the classroom, they will note use of technology and the engagement levels in the classroom.
Principal & Assistant Principals
Forethought Lesson Planning
Lesson plans will be monitored electronically through our online lesson planner. Administrators and Department Chairs will look for the use of technology during instructional time.
Principal, Assistant Principals, & Department Chairs
Parent Portal Communication & Parent Contacts
Through the documentation of parent portal contacts and direct email contacts we will track the communication between teachers and parents. We will also evaluate how quickly teachers are inputting grades into the online gradebook.
Principal, Assistant Principals, Teachers, & Other Support Staff
Student &Parent Feedback Survey’s
Including the Student Site-Based Committee
Each semester our students and parents will participate in online surveys evaluating the use of technology in the classroom.
Parents & Students
STaR Chart
Teachers will complete the STaR Chart to help the district and campus obtain data on their technology knowledge and usage in the classroom.
Teachers & Technology Director
Professional Development Assessments
After each technology professional development training teachers will assess the training and make recommendations for improvements
Teachers & Professional Development Facilitators
AWARE results for benchmark data
Teachers will use the AWARE program to evaluate progress of student achievement on benchmark tests. Teachers will look at all sub-populations.
Teachers & Testing Coordinator
Each Unit Assessment
Professional Development Tracking
Curriculum and Instruction will monitor and record all technology professional development including but not limited to:
Promethean Training
TI-Inspire Training
Mini-10 Laptop Training
Infinite Campus
Assistant Director of C & I, Teachers, Facilitators
Throughout the year
Technology work orders
The Technology Department will keep statistics on their efficiency with computer work orders including repairs, downloads, and set-up.
Computer Technicians & Help Desk Technician
The principal will review the AEIS Data to check for increase in all of our sub-populations with all of our measures. The expectation is that our data will increase because of the implementation of technology in the classroom and throughout the campus
Principals & Teachers
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