Saturday, November 28, 2009

Long-Range Plan for Technology

The Long-Range Pan for Technology is a very detailed plan that is to be fully implemented from 2006-2020. The very first idea pointed out in the plan is that it involves all stakeholders. Everyone has a key role. A few key points from the overall vision is that learning is extended to homes and communities and that virtual relationships among learners are created. Lastly, on-line learning is the waive of the future because it is individualized and more time-efficient for the learner. Some of the key pieces in the vision are that all teacher must master the SBEC technology Application TEKS and professional development will be more available and through various delivery methods. One of the most questionable parts of the vision is how our budget money will allow for implementation. The plan hopes to increase technology allotment by $50 per student per year. That's a lot of money!! This plan upholds a vision to create a collaborative education network where a web portal can address the needs of educators, parents, and students.

Moreover, the plan introduces the need for change. It mentions how technology has transformed every aspect of business. The main goal is to create affordable access so that increasingly diverse individuals are a strong competitive force in today's economy. Students today are technological savvy and see positive value of technology. Our students are going to have to learn to think for themselves, however they still need considerable training in several different areas including: technical training, traditional reading and writing, analytical skills for accessing and applying information.Portable devices will help students interact in the digital world.

In addition, teachers also see the considerable impact technology has on student performance including increased engagement, achievement, collaboration, and teamwork. All teachers use a variety of technology tools with 99% using email and 82% using websites and search engines.
Teachers want more professional development and training on integration of technology into curriculum and instruction. Barriers pointed out in the plan include lack of time, school computers, student home access, traditional model of education changing, teachers must learn to be facilitators, and students must be active participants in the learning process.

Lastly, this plan outlines recommendations for TEA, SBEC, ESCs, LEAs, Texas Higher Education, parents, communities, and private sectors for Teaching and Learning, Educator Preparation and Development, Leadership, and Administration and Instructional Support. Some of the key points I found were that support of the implementation and revision of the Technology TEKS is critical. Alignment of curriculum and assessments with technology integrated and best practices in educational technology must be modeled. Acceptable Use Policies for school districts provide safety for students and as teachers we must teach students ethical online behavior. Teachers should strive to reach Target-level tech on the Texas STaR Chart and training must be provided to help districts and campuses make data-driven decisions.
Furthermore, administration must develop, implement, and manage the budget for technology resources. They must create timely staff development based on a needs assessment of their staff. Modeling the use of technology also sends a positive message to teachers. The infrastructure for technology should strive for equitable access to all e-learning and work to obtain high-speed connectivity for all. The major goals are to reduce costs, increase student access, and improve communication and collaboration among stakeholders.

How can your new learning assist you as an instructional leader who is guiding technology use and integration at a campus?
As an instructional leader who is guiding technology use and integration at my campus, I can use the Long-Range Plan for Technology to see all of the different needs that should be addressed in order to help my school move into the future of learning with technology. Besides creating a plan of improvement based on the needs addressed in the STaR Chart, I can also create a way to measure the progress of our plan. Some of the ways to measure progress as outlined in the plan is to allow more time for professional development with our technology tools. As far as the math and science departments are concerned I can provide professional development that integrates our Promethean Technology into the classroom. I can discuss with technology leaders the amount of money we have to increase band-width in order to have faster Internet speed. I can help teachers with their web-pages and evaluate technology usage through walk-throughs. I can continue to search for ways for students to interact through distance learning and programs that individualize lessons to meet student needs. I can review our Acceptable Use Policies and familiarize our teachers with the policy so that our students are in a safe environment. Lastly, I can continue to collaborate with teachers through technology sources and model judicious use of technology.

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